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REAL ESTATE tailored to your needs

real estate agency

RENAMI, the slogan of REALITY NA Mieru, was created based on our experience of combining finance and reality. To this day, many agents think that it is impossible to give 100% performance to the client, solve finances, real estate, insurance and at the same time give advice on how to provide for retirement. Our journey began in 2010, when we began to provide tailor-made solutions for clients, mainly finance. Renami real estate agency is a member of the Slovak Real Estate Union.


What to watch out for when selling and buying real estate

Väčšia časť z Vás, ktorý nemali to šťastie zdediť alebo dostať darom vysnívané bývanie od rodičov či starých rodičov zvyčajne nemá inú možnosť, ako danú úlohu nadobudnutia a vyriešenia vlastnej bytovej otázky prevziať  do svojich rúk.